Page name: YYH Chibi Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-30 19:33:45
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
# of watchers: 4
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I've seen so many YYH Lovers on ET, that I wanted to make a contest, chibi contest that is!^^

1. No nudity or sex
2. Must be YOUR OWN WORK!
3. Do your best.
4. No fighting over so-'n-so
5. No messages to owner are needed before entery.
7. If you have a non-colored entery, then you color it, message [Kiristo], before changing your entery. Or comment on the bottom. Also, you can have a total of 3 enteries.
6. Have fun!^^


Hand Drawn pics Place any and ONLY hand drawn enterys here.
Computer/Marker drawn pics Place any and ONLY computer/marker drawn/colored enterys here.


There has been aguments of computer drawn art having an unfair advantage against hand drawn art. So I have spilt the contest in two parts. Each an INDUVIDUAL contest. So if I hear anything else dealing with spliting them up being unfair itself, then you'll be baned!

Members(People who've joined.)

001: [Kiristo]- Creator.
002: [Lady Alaina]
003: [Leara]
004: [kaeKae.]

Username (or number or email):


2004-08-29 [Kiristo]: must make entery.............that might get things rolling.........

2004-11-20 [Lady Alaina]: YAYS me entered...^^

2004-11-21 [Kiristo]: YAY!^^ more enteries!^^ thakies.

2004-11-21 [Lady Alaina]: No problem. You likeys?

2004-11-21 [Leara]: I might try this, if I have time.

2004-11-21 [Aidan Ryuko]: kurama is cute^^ me gonna try too:) is computer drawn good as well or is it pencil only??

2004-11-21 [Kiristo]: anything. you can use any type of drawing equiptment. computer, paint, pencile, ect.

2004-11-21 [Aidan Ryuko]: allright ty^^ yokos hair is too detailed *screams*

2004-11-21 [Kiristo]: *laughs* even alaina forgot the ears!^^

2004-11-22 [Lady Alaina]: <;;; Chibi's...dont...have...ears...

2004-11-22 [Aidan Ryuko]: I've seen chibi ears^^ forgot the name of the anime though.. and crossover anime like beyblade have ears too and their head is almost big enough to be called chibi eh^^

2004-11-22 [Kiristo]: they have ears. just look

2004-11-22 [Lady Alaina]: All chibi's I've seen dont have ears...well,they do,but they were tiny things. XP

2004-11-22 [Leara]: There not that tiny, they do have ears, just that the hair on most chibi's covers it.

2004-11-22 [Lady Alaina]: Well,I didnt know. ¬¬

2004-11-22 [Aidan Ryuko]: mine doesnt have ears either^^ I'll upload it.. I'm sleepy:) if I forget anything or messed it up please tell:) i could always change stuff eh

2004-11-22 [Kiristo]: AWWWW!^^ it's soooooooo CUTE!^^

2004-11-22 [Aidan Ryuko]: thankies^^ is that a rose on hiei?

2004-11-22 [Kiristo]: no, there is no rose in the pic, but there is a jewel attaced to Rika's outfit in the pic.

2004-11-22 [Aidan Ryuko]: I see:) if you put some white on it it looks like there is light shining on it^^ could make it look cooler:)

2004-11-22 [Kiristo]: hmmm...ok, thanks!^^

2004-12-18 [Kiristo]: yo, guys, er girls, check out YYH: Pics

2005-01-13 [Kiristo]: [Aidan Ryuko] is in the lead.....

2005-01-13 [Lady Alaina]: How was hers done? I know it was drawn,but how was it colored?

2005-01-13 [Aidan Ryuko]: who do you mean alaina

2005-01-13 [Lady Diamanta]: It was probably was colored in Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, or some other computer paint program.

2005-01-13 [Aidan Ryuko]: photoshop 7.0:)

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: Can I say a personal opinion without hurting anybodys feelings?

2005-01-14 [Kiristo]: sure i guess....i'll let it slide for now..........

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: I'm tired of hand-drawn pics getting shredded by PC pics. -_-***

2005-01-14 [Aidan Ryuko]: it's not about with what the picture is made, it is HOW it is made.. I know enough people who can easily draw a more beautiful picture with a pencil.. also there is special colouring ways like ink or bronze markers who draw a lot better etc.. but it's about the shape not the way..

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: I still think that hand-drawn should be in hand-drawn contests and PC pics should be in PC contests. Some people just dont seem to understand how unfair an advantage like that is...

2005-01-14 [Kiristo]: yeah, i was thinking the same.

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: Problem that I have with it is that I got second place twice to PC kinda bothered me at that point...

2005-01-14 [Leara]: There is no advantage, some people are awesome with leads, but can't cg...same vice versa...Most artist I know that use markers to color, their work looks like it was done on computer when it wasn' is media does not give advantage over another. It's all how the particular artists uses it.

2005-01-14 [Kiristo]: still it isn't fair. I lost in contests too, to pc or marker art.

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: yeah,becuase people like the big ooh's and aah's of PC work. I couldnt tell you how many times of been squashed,shredded and pummeled the past year,I've entered too many contest with that kind of art.

2005-01-14 [Leara]: It has nothing to do with it being computer colored, it still takes as much effort and work, do people ever consider that the artist is simply more skilled? I've seen full blown CG work get bet by greyscale simple shaded sketches. It's about the artists skill, not what media they use.

2005-01-14 [Aidan Ryuko]: uhm do you have any idea how hard it is to do straight line with a mouse?? it's a lot harder then just draw a picture that is done in half an hour.. (I do the line art with a pencil nowadays) this drawing probably took about 6-8 hours to make.. and I have to give leara right in it:),

2005-01-14 [Aidan Ryuko]: it IS true that cg and markers can make it more flashy in colors, check [Hummingbird] her art, shes my friend and I can't tip her skills by a long shot! i find it incredible how she draws and my simple cg coloring doesnt match it at all!

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: I know,but I still think that those kinds of contests should be separated. I like the pics,dont gt me wrong,I just still find it unfair,because it may take longer,but the results are so substantally better I never seem to stand a chance. Besides,its not like you show your true talent with a penciland hands,your using a machine.

2005-01-14 [Kiristo]: yeah!

2005-01-14 [Aidan Ryuko]: how long do you think the wherewolf on hummingbirds page took?? if you don't even take time then how do you expect to create better work then other people??, and are you insinuating a machine drawing isn't talent-needed? do you think that you can just floop it out by pushing some buttons? you make the curves with the very same hand you draw with.. you shade-erase-shade more-edit it a lot of times.. like using an eraser on paper..

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: Hang on,what CG?

2005-01-14 [Aidan Ryuko]: whatever cg you use.. in my case photoshop 7

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: So you're friend uses her own hands?\

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: So you're friend uses her own hands?

2005-01-14 [Aidan Ryuko]: yes they are pencil ones.. and I use my own hand too, most pictures are line art made by pencil and those who arent i drawn with a mouse (much harder even)

2005-01-14 [Aidan Ryuko]: *off to bed*

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: WOW. Shes talented! You see,I wouldnt mind losing to her. And no,I think that PC art needs talent too,its just a different kind of talent thats a bit more flashy and can be cleaned up easier. I think that drawing talents and PC talents should be in separated contests.

2005-01-14 [Leara]: OMG, I don't mean to sound like a bitch Lady Alaina, but you sound like you can't stand someone being more skilled than you. People draw art, scan it, and color it on is a piece of art like that, entered in a contest with crayon colored art unfair? An artist can have poor drawing skills, in that case, no matter how good the coloring it, chances are, their not going to win anyways. I asure you, there is nothing unfair or advantagious about CG art over traditional media.

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: .......Um,no,I can stand it,I just cant stand that the flashier and so-called ARTWORK on the PC beating other hard-working hand-drawn pics any longer! I've put up enough of the burning dissapointment for over a year now,and I am SICK of it! I believe that TRUE art comes from your mind,soul,hands,and a trusty pencil,paper,and whatever colring utensil you're best with.

2005-01-14 [Leara]: So...your saying that artwork on computer is easy? Doesn't take skill and hardwork? I've spent 12 HOURS coloring ONE pic...for more than what most would spend coloring with traditional media, it DOES take hard work, and patience, it's harder than picking up a lead and coloring something also, you have to know HOW to use the program, and have SKILL. I'm sorry, but TRUE art comes from your heart and soul, not the media used...saying true art comes from a pencil and piece of paper is an INSULT to TRUE ARTIST, because they KNOW BETTER than to be THAT CLOSEMINDED about art, because thats what your doing, being EXTREMELY closeminded, all you've shown is that you have no clue what it means to be a

2005-01-14 [Leara]: 'true artist'.

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: No,I'm saying that its two different kinds of skills,and that one turns out better than the other,seeing as most people use it look like the real deal,and not just something they did themselves. I'm saying its not fair becuase it attracts more attention,gets more votes easily then hand-drawn. I'm merely trying to say its unfair,I dont want to cuase a aggravated agrument!


2005-01-14 [Industrial Iconoclast]: I agree with Lady Alaina

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: See,theres one now.

2005-01-14 [Leara]: One DOESN'T turn out better than the other though! If a piece of work was done traditionally by a skilled artist, it would kill something CG'd, there's NOTHIGN unfair about it...its like saying if there was a cartoon contest, it would be unfair to have 3D animation submitted along side the traditional 2D because 'more people prefer it', its a stupid argument that sounds basically like, 'I like this kind of art, and because, so I think its unfair to be with that, because what I like doesn't win''s plain stupid. Your not even backing it up with anything logical.

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: Ugh! All I meant was that different talents should be in different contests,I DIDNT MEAN ANY HARm,now leave me alone,I'm not commenting hre anymore.

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: And the only reason my second pic isnt fully colored is because I dont have the right colors,Aidan,thanks,though. ^^

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: ......Well....theres no skin tone colored pencils! I cant find any...

2005-01-14 [Lady Alaina]: I'm not arguing anymore,is what I meant. I hate to argue...I prefer to talk.

2005-01-14 [Kiristo]: maybe i SHOULD split it up between computer, marker, and hand drawn....I've giving it a lot of thought and I'm really considering it. though it would take a lot of work......

2005-01-14 [Kiristo]: That's it I'm going with Lady Alainas idea and splitting it up.

2005-01-15 [Kiristo]: big whoop. it still has an unfair advantage and it's in the lead by A LOT!!!!!!

2005-01-15 [Leara]: honestly pathetic. V.V;

2005-01-15 [Kiristo]: I seperated the art work, I didn't cut it from the contest.

2005-01-15 [Leara]: Still. And to give the computer side some some competition, since there was only one pic, I doodled something in photoshop CS. I want and need a tablet.

2005-01-16 [Kiristo]: ok

2005-01-20 [kaeKae.]: ..>>...<<...i joined!

2005-01-20 [Kiristo]: yay!^^

2005-01-23 [Kiristo]: so far, [Lady Alaina]'s Kurama entery in in the lead. But [kaeKae.] is comming up fast.

2005-01-26 [Lady Alaina]: Wait,what,I'm in the lead? Oo I'm never in the lead,how could that be? NEVER........................Oo;;; ...............I'm in the lead? XD

2005-01-27 [Kiristo]: lol yes!^^, but now ur tied with Sapphire.

2005-01-27 [Lady Alaina]: So? Oo;;; I get to SAY I was in the lead! Cool!!!

2005-01-28 [Kiristo]: lol yes.^^

2005-01-29 [Lady Alaina]: XD

2005-01-29 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2005-02-13 [Kiristo]: we need to advertise....

2005-02-25 [West Coast Punker]: hey ppl i would join but i cant draw at all so yep :D

2005-02-25 [Kiristo]: oh man.....

2005-02-25 [West Coast Punker]: hehe yep sry i would but i think the only thing i can draw is a stick man or whatever

2005-02-25 [Kiristo]: u can try, it doesn't really matter, this is for fun.....that is untill ppl started fighting.....

2005-02-25 [West Coast Punker]: yep

2005-02-25 [Kiristo]: ok then.

2005-02-25 [West Coast Punker]: oh fighting about what???? whats there to like fight about

2005-02-25 [Kiristo]: read the bold print in th Note section.

2005-02-25 [West Coast Punker]: oh ok thats just stupid

2005-02-25 [Kiristo]: I know, but it was getting serious, someone dropped out due to it and I had to split them so no one else would drop out.

2005-02-27 [West Coast Punker]: oh wow

2005-02-27 [Kiristo]: I kno,w it was totally rediculous.

2005-06-12 [Kiristo]: ...

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